The first quantum teleportation experiments were carried out between 1993 and 1997, by two international research groups, led respectively by Francesco De Martini from La Sapienza University in Rome and Anton Zeilinger from the Institute of Experimental Physics in Vienna. They were able to teleport the quantum state of a photon.

In 2004:

In 2006:

Some researchers from Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen teleported a collective state from a group of about a trillion of atoms to another. The Teleportation applied to the atoms, i.e. to the matter, is a very delicate process compared to that made on photons, due to the process of decoherence. This process, due to interactions with the environment, destroys the quantum effects, including Entanglement.

In 2010:

in China, the researchers of the Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences reached 16 km in the teleportation of photons without the support of optical fibers.

In 2012:

In 2013:

A group of physicists from the research center Quantop at the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen teleported informations between two clouds of gas atoms of cesium far from each other half a meter. The physicists used two glass containers that were not connected and the teleportation of the information from one cloud to another occurred by means of laser light.

In 2014:

A group of physicists from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) teleported, using an optical fiber, the quantum state of a photon in a crystal (which functioned as memory bank), located 25 Km away, overcoming the previous record of 6 km, obtained by the same team 10 years ago. In practice, the quantum state of a photon has been transferred into the matter.

In 2016:

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