The communication between quantum states entangled has been demonstrated in recent decades for some particles, such as photons and atoms. In theory, as well as to provide the basis for quantum communication networks, this technology could be integrated with another area of research, that is “quantum computers”; these are extremely powerful and faster than the current computers. These new communication systems would ensure the exchange of information 100% secure; in fact, between the sending station and the receiving station only one classic signal is exchanged, this doesn't allow to a person, who intercepts the classic signal, to know the information, in the form of quantum state, that you are teleporting.


BIT (binary digit) is the unit of classical information. QUBIT or quantum bit (quantum binary digit) is the unit of quantum information.

The “classical bits” operate on binary code and can encode only one value at a time: 0 or 1. The “qubits” process the information following the laws of Quantum Mechanics and the principle of quantum superposition, i.e. the idea that an object can exist in multiple states at the same time; they can take at the same time the state 0 and 1.

In a classical system one bit of information can be represented, for example, by the voltage applied to the plates of a capacitor: the charged capacitor denotes the bit 1 and the not charged capacitor denotes the bit 0.

Quantistically, one bit of information can be encoded using a two-level system, such as: the spin states of an electron, the two polarizations of the light.

What is a quantum computer?

In a quantum computer the information would be recorded in qubits instead of being stored in bits as in a classical computer. A Qubit cannot contain more information than a classical bit, because it assumes the value “0 or 1” when the information is processed. Therefore a quantum computer does not have advantages compared to the classical computer, at least for what concerns the amount of information stored. The advantage of a quantum computer instead consists of an exponential increase in computing capability, therefore, quantum computers are able to manage, in a few minutes, lots of data.

There are many technological difficulties to be overcome to realize a quantum computer. One of these is the “decoherence”. In other words, the inevitable interaction with the external environment would destroy, in a short time, the quantum coherence, that is the information contained in the quantum computer.

Learn more: Quantum bits and Quantum Computers

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