Star TreK Teleportation provides the disappearance of an object from one location and the simultaneous reappearance of the same object in another position, without having to travel tedious intermediate kilometers and without the use of any vehicle.

In Science Fiction Stories Teleportation allows to make travels more comfortable than those made with an ordinary spacecraft, but this involves the violation of the speed limits, imposed by the Theory of Relativity. According to this theory nothing can travel faster than light.

In science fiction teleportation procedure varies from story to story and generally takes place in the following way:

According to Quantum Mechanics, a similar teleportation is impossible even theoretically; in fact, the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle declares the impossibility of knowing at the same time, with arbitrary precision, the position and the velocity of a particle. A perfect scanning of the object involves the knowledge, without uncertainty, of the position and velocity of each atom and each electron, then teleportation is impossible. Heisenberg’s principle is also applied to other pairs of quantities and this expresses the impossibility of measuring, without error, the quantum state of an object. All these difficulties in Star TreK are overcome by the prodigiousHeisenberg’s compensator.