The electrical, optical and mechanical properties of graphene can be summarized as follows:

All the amazing properties of this extraordinary material are related with the perfect distribution that the nature has given to the carbon atoms of the graphene; these atoms are strongly bound together but the bonds, at the same time, are enough flexible to allow an elasticity of 20%.

The structure of graphene allows the electrons to move freely in the material, along considerable distances, so that they provide to the material an electrical conductivity higher than the conductivity of the standard conductors. In practice, the high electrical conductivity of graphene is due to the four valence electrons of the carbon atom; three of them are engaged in the planar bonds (sp2 hybridization) and they determine the two-dimensional structure of the graphene; instead the fourth electron, that is located in the “p type” atomic orbital, that is not involved in the hybridization process, is able to move almost freely in the structure of the graphene through long distances. The electrical conductivity of the graphene is higher (10 - 100 times) than that of the traditional conductors, where the electrons clash with the atoms and dissipate energy in heat.

The most promising applications of graphene are connected in particular to Electronics, not only due to the extraordinary electrical properties but also because, in the same material, the characteristics required to an ideal conductor are present, such as:

Look at the video: Graphene on The One Show‬